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A member registered Oct 05, 2016

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Awesome! Thanks, that saved a bunch of time tracing it in InkScape ;)

Cool simple graphic assets with many uses. It would be awesome if you included SVG and not just  PNG images :)

Hand over hand monkey-bar navigation would be a nice addition. Great assets btw, thanks for sharing!

Was the base sprite ever released? I can't find it :(

Thanks for the reply. I'll post back if I make something using these asset :)

Very nice! I have been messing about with a platformer prototype for the last week or so and these graphics have really made a huge difference to it!

Would you be willing to make more animations for the main character? What I'd ideally like are..
- Walking out of world into door.
- Walking into world from door.
- Sliding down pole/rope.
- Climbing up pole/rope.
- Sommersaulting/rolling.
- Pushing against wall/block.
- Picking up object.
- Throwing object.
- Swimming.
- Floating.
- Balancing on edge of ledge.
- Parachuting.
- Wall sliding.
- Wall climbing.
- Tail whip attack.
- Slashing claw attack.
- Kicking attack.
- Cast spell.
- Sliding along ground.
- And some general poses/animations like drinking a pop soda, eating food, giving thumbs up, dancing or whatnot (the kind of things that can be used between levels).

Well when you look at it, that's a giant list. I'm happy to pay for you to create them as well. Look forward to hearing from you maybe if you are willing to create some or all of these ;)